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NTFS permissions - Owner different then file administrators


I'm currently working on a project to migrate a file server environment, migration from DomainA to Domain B. To be able to do this I first need to understand the current NTFS/Share permissions, and that's where I'm a bit stuck. Can't ask current owners, political reasons. I can have access to the data but anything else is considered 'proprietary knowledge'. Sad yes, I know.

So, an example using 2 screenshots for a share I recreated using the exact same configuration as the production shares.

  • main shared folder: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=2C9D171767A73C46!8007&authkey=!AN8FZqFdSF_7t8g&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg

  • folder where a user would actually work in: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=2C9D171767A73C46!8006&authkey=!ABkwnok9hjwAqZM&v=3&ithint=photo%2cjpg

Security for the 'work folder' is clear, no issues there. Inheritance is set on it.

For the 'data' folder, there is a group configured as the owner, which has no other Permission Entries. Owner = this group can change permissions on this folder, but as this group has no other permissions on the folder and subfolders/files, changing permissions will generate an error for each item in the folder 'data'.

So my question is, what's the point of configuring the owner group on the 'data' folder? I don't see the reason for this configuration.

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