Hi all,
I'm facing a really serious problem with my File server (Windows server 2008 R2 Enterprise) .
Yesterday morning, suddenly a bunch of documents (in a shared folder name "Public" seem to have been corrupted, files of all different file types, excel, word, pdf, jpg, ...
If you try to open these files, you get an error.
For example in excel you get the 'the file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension' error. And you get the counterparts of this error in word, adobe reader,...
It happened only on a shared folder , other shared folders in same server are ok.
I try to copy and open these corrupted files in other folders / computers but it fails too.
I copy an ok file from another folder/computer into "Public" and it become corrupt too.
My server enabled Quota Management , File Screening , VSS , DFS . I haven't changed any configuration recently . I scanned it with Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Server but cannot find anything.
I found 2 other people have same problem like me :
Hope somebody can help . Thanks in advanced.