I have set up a MSCS Cluster with the file server role on it on VMware vSphere 5.1. Using RDM from a NetApp.
File Server role is configured for CAFS and while doing some tests I noticed that the brownout in file transfer takes about 25s. That's almost 3 to 4 times as what one would expect with CAFS (5 to 7s)
I went troubleshooting with a Windows 10 client and found the following error in SMBWitnessClient:
Event ID 8
Witness client failed to register with witness server FS2 for notification on netname \\CFS-FS1. A security package specific error occurred
Did some research about this issue but most of them talk about SOFS instead of CAFS. CAFS is not so wide spread for general file-server usage it seems. When I run get-smbwitnessclient nothing's being returned.
Anyone an idea where this might come from?