Hi, TLDR: How does storage spaces manage VHD/x's on tiered storage? What are best practices? I have two servers that I have to setup for a small finance firm, both identical, decent network speed between them. Both with same SSD/HDD. They have local attached drives, they don't want to look at expansion options or anything, as they like it all hanging from the ceiling in their storage.
How does hyper-v manage the fast provisioning for the VHD's? Like, if I am creating volumes, what ratio's should I consider for the deployment scenarios.
Should I consider multiple volumes with different HDD/SSD ratio? Or does hyper-v do most of that thinking for me, as an example, say application server has 1TB of records that are frequently accessed, and 10TB that are less-frequently accessed, should I go with 1:10?
How many options should I be considering, how much thinking do I have to do and how much thinking does storage spaces do?
Normally I would just attach all the devices to a VM and cluster it from there, but they requested that everything be on the host.